Apr 16, 2013

Laziness and Pride go hand in hand.

Her last relationship did not work out. Her partner insisted that their life be an open book. She opened herself, but he could not accept some things he saw and tried to change them. This made her resentful over the years. She reacted by keeping things to herself, which then became a practised art, leading to deception, and the inevitable downfall of their relationship.
She thought the world of herself. People had always told her so. Right from school when all she heard was "jamba jaasti" from the girls who would pinch her cheeks to watch them turn red. She did not know how to let go of her pride. Pride is a disease. It comes from a deep rooted insecurity, as it is a tool to protect one's inner self. There is an awareness of one's own weakness. An acute awareness of the loss of control, of being in over one's head and not being able to admit it. Insecurity is the presence of uncertainty. How do we deal with the presence of too many uncertainties? By being decisive. By identifying those uncertainties that can be resolved and making decisions on each of them.

In your life, the first of them is
Getting a job.

Parallelly you need to worry about
Writing the paper.

The things that help you focus are music and yoga so far. You need to jog your brain up from the waking dead. Reading a textbook everyday is a good exercise because your reading skills have drastically dropped. You must read more textbooks.

All you have is the future. The future is yours. Be sunny and bright and never say die.

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